Jason Biggs

From Boss to Coach - helping managers become strong leaders

Leader Performance Coach, Trainer, Facilitator

BA Employment Relations, B.Com Marketing, Accredited CliftonStrengths® Coach (Masterclass Distinction)

My strengths are Achiever, Connectedness, Responsibility, Input, Deliberative


I’m a fan of a good long black (with a dash of milk) and a burger. To make sure I don’t look like a burger I exercise too. I’ve worked in the corporate sector for over 20 years, managing teams and marketing brands like NESCAFÉ, KLEENEX and HUGGIES. I like to help people understand why they do what they do and to leverage this to get what they want. I’m a commercial guy at heart so that means delivering good business outcomes through practical and easily applied tools. I was a boss of people too and wish someone had shown me the stuff I know now. In the last eight years I’ve worked with over 50 organisations from senior leadership teams to front line team leaders, from large organisations to teams of 5, and have coached hundreds of people.  

 The approach I take is

  • A belief that people are inherently good.  We all have “full hands” with something to contribute.

  • We work together. No conversation or workshop is a one off. Check ins are an important part of what I do.

  • Straightforward with tools that help things get done.  Everything I suggest I have and helped others to use.

  • A “safe pair of hands,” bringing years of corporate and coaching experience with hundreds of conversations and workshops under my belt.

  • I work where you work. I prefer that to fancy offices.  It’s in the day to day that real change happens.


Accredited member of the Strengths Network South Pacific

The Strengths Network trains, resources, supports and ensures the professional standards of its 170 coaches.  When required I leverage this network to provide additional coaching support.  I also follow their Code of Ethics.

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A Lesson In Every Coach

Life Education Trust helps our youngest kiwi’s understand that they are unique and special.  It’s a value that I believe in too.  Therefore I give a donation with every coach I do.



“Professional in the way he presented the material, engaging in the way he delivered the content, and approachable in the discussions. Asked probing questions and was challenging without being invasive.”
