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There are some things that have instant results such as the conversation tools.  Other things that take time, such as imbedding strengths.  It’s like learning a new language.  From experience, expect between 18 months to two years for an organisation to make strengths part of “what we do around here.”

It’s good to have the right people in the right place.  There are three groups of people that make the magic happen 

  1. Senior management commitment as a sponsor of the program.  Culture comes from the top and allows a trickledown effect to all levels. 

  2. For the day to day it’s good to nominate a cubicle commando.  Someone within the organisation who is the go-to and coordinates for everyone.  They will also be kitted up with a number of tools to bring the program to life everyday

  3. An external accredited coach (that’s me) to give objective perspective, provide additional resource capacity, bring access to in-depth experience and understanding of Strengths, model to boss’s what good coaching looks like

All the tools I’ve used myself.  I wouldn’t recommend them otherwise.  There is also people that are happy to talk about what we do and give you the pros and the cons.  Let me know and I can provide their contact details.

Gallup's Q12 survey (the 12 questions that measure the most important elements of employee engagement) is also a useful tool to measure before and after the program. 

I believe in my work and the results it delivers, and therefore comes with a money back guarantee.  If you are not happy with the result, the only request is that we do a review to understand (1) what worked? (2) where did we get stuck? (3) what can we do differently?  This ensures we continue to improve the effectiveness of what is delivered.

Choosing a coach is a personal preference, and has a lot to do with chemistry.  Here’s four things to consider

  1. Talk to someone you trust that knows them

  2. Where does the balance of power sit after the first conversation?  It should be with you

  3. How is the solution presented?  I’m always cautious if it is “the only way” and “locks you in”

  4. Trust your intuition

I am an accredited coach, affiliated with the Strengths Network South Pacific www.strengthsnetwork.org.  We have to comply with a Code of Ethics which can be viewed here.   I receive ongoing supervision to ensure the quality of my work through Pauline Skeates at Insight pauline@insightcounselling.co.nz.  I also have indemnity cover to $1 million via Aon New Zealand.  The Strengths Collective Limited shall be liable to one times the agreed fee to the client for any reasonably foreseeable claims to the extent caused by any negligent act error or omission in the performance of the services by the coach.

Your strengths are yours.  I will only share them with someone else if you have OK’d it.  The coaching/debrief conversation is also confidential.  The examples or specific stories you share are yours only and will not be repeated with anyone else, along with the notes I take.

If your conversation is sponsored by an organisation what will be shared with your team is your strengths, and for your manager/supervisor a top line summary of the themes and agreed actions.  You will have an opportunity to review the actions and themes before these are shared. 

Good question, because I believe every dollar matters too.  Firstly it is not an hourly rate.  For example, every hour I spend with you, there is more time in both preparation and follow up.  Every individual or group conversation has a personal check in program 1-day, 1-week, 1-month, 1-year after it.    Why?  Research tells us that if you do not act on something you have learnt in the next 72 hours, you will lose 90% of the information. 

Also, the Strengths journey is more than just one conversation.  Adopting the full program means any team member or manager can call for support, additional information, further advice for specific issues relating to their strengths and the strengths of others within the team.

If a conversation is cancelled within 24 hours of the scheduled time, this will incur a 50% charge.

Payment by credit card is possible via PayPal and will incur a processing fee.